Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

UAB AREA ENERGY manages its own parks of solar and wind power plants, and offers to install energy storage battery systems. We help to choose the system that best meets your needs, supply the necessary equipment of the manufacturer AMPOWR that we represent (AMPIHOME, AMPIFARM, AMPILINK), adapt the necessary computer EMS, COSMOS equipment and offer aggregation services.
On 14 March 2024, a representation agreement was signed with the Dutch manufacturer Ampowr B.V., Battery Energy Storage Systems – BESS – Smart (

– Invest in BESS systems and by participating in the trade of balancing – FCR aFRR, mFRR market services, receive an investment return of 1 to 5 years
– Buy Energy storage systems AmpiFarm, AmpiTower, AmpiLink and improve the efficiency of already operating energy generation devices: solar, wind, hydro

Get a quote – Ampowr